Majestic White Waterfall (Thac Trang)

Majestic White Waterfall (Thac Trang)

Thac Trang is located at Quang NGai Province, Thanh An Commune, Minh Long District. It is here where you can find the majestic and pure white waterfall that is generally unknown to the world but is slowly becoming a popular tourist destination because of its natural beauty and power.


Riding a motorbike is the fastest way to reach the place. Along the way, one will surely pass by Eo Gio Pass on Dinh Cuong Mountain, another equally beautiful place that is a tourist spot in itself. Here, one can find Ve River, riverside cottages, villages of the ethnic group Hre, stilt houses situated on slopes, tea plantations and terraced paddy fields that are a delight to the eyes and to one’s appreciation for nature in general.


Although a motorbike is available to get to the white waterfall, the way is not without its challenges. In fact, the road is lined with a rocky jungle trail and a deep abyss which only the purely adventurous souls will brave. In fact, a tour guide is recommended especially for the amateur or first time visitors. But experienced or professional climbers with appropriate equipment may travel on their own. All the difficulty of reaching the place is worth it though just seeing the mountains and forests and the waterfall itself. Aside from riding a motorbike, another option to reach the waterfall is by hiking down the foot of the waterfall itself. Visitors can also swim in the lake and even catch the local fish nien.  


Nien is a local specialty of the region which can be served in many ways including grilling, Japanese-style sashimi or with salt, pepper and chilli. When grilling, the locals place the fish on a bamboo stick and cook it over coal fire. Wine is also locally made from the tree Doat which can be found at the foot of the waterfall.


The white waterfall hasn’t been commercialized or even advertised much, so visitors have to bring their own supplies like food, drinks and even a first aid kit because there are many leeches in the area. Recently though, there has been a plan to build a tourist area near the waterfall as well as a bridge that will connect it with another natural site which is located at the Dong Can Dike. The blueprint includes a resort, park, shopping centre, swimming pool, an “underwater world” for children, a fishing area and even a zoo. The project is so ambitious that it will require 57 hectares of land and won’t be completed until 2022.


Progress, or anything for that matter, is said to have its price. Lately, the road to the white waterfall has been more accessible compared before. With the construction of infrastructure like hotels, restaurants and stores, tourism in the area will definitely improve, attracting more visitors into the place. The overall economy of the community will undoubtedly enjoy a considerable rise. But along with that development comes the big possibility of negative factors like pollution, noise and crowding. It is a fervent hope then that the local government, along with the residents and even the tourists, will help each other in maintaining the cleanliness and beauty of the majestic white waterfall.