Da Nang: Free Public Wi-Fi for Tourists and Locals

Da Nang: Free Public Wi-Fi for Tourists and Locals

In line with its mission of pioneering as the first e-citizen generation in Vietnam, Da Nang has installed a city-wide free Wi-Fi service for both tourists and locals.


It took one year to test the service and since then, the system has improved in terms of internet connection quality, broadband speed, signal and access time. There are currently 330 base transceiver stations and Wi-Fi access points installed in vital establishments like schools, apartments, tourist destinations and government offices. Users can access all websites including those of the city departments, districts and online services. The municipal web portal www.danang.gov.vn and tourist portal www.danangtourism.gov.vn are also open to everyone, tourists and local residents alike. The city records an estimated 20,000 successful internet connections every day since the service was installed.


With the surge of information technology today, Da Nang City doesn't want to be left behind and wants to give everyone in its community the opportunity to have access to the new basic right. This will give people the chance to read the news and look for any information online the fastest way ever. The municipal Wi-Fi system also provides additional free services such as issuing environmental pollution supervision and alert, urban transport management, social order management, sending out a warning in times of natural disasters, and disseminating information about the dangers resulting in climate change.


On its downside perhaps, the Wi-Fi system will only be free until the end of 2016, after which the city will start charging its users for the internet service. In the meantime, Da Nang City tourists and residents can enjoy free access to information technology and all the perks it brings.