2015: The Year the Goat Leads

2015: The Year the Goat Leads

2015 is the year of the goat or more specifically At Mui, At meaning “wood” and Mui “goat.” The Eastern Zodiac combines the 12 animal signs (rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig) and the five elements (metal, wood, water, fire and earth).  


In Vietnamese culture, people who are born under the goat sign are considered hardworking, determined, trustworthy, reliable, flexible, humble, gentle, polite, artistic and adaptable. These characteristics are believed to go well with the peace and harmony associated with wood, thus the bringing together of both components.


Goat specifically has an important role in East and West Vietnam. Since it is one of the most domesticated, breeded and cleanest animals, it is often sacrificed in religious rituals and other special occasions. More than an agricultural and economic symbol therefore, it holds a special cultural significance in the said regions.


Even in mythology, the goat plays a crucial part. To the Greeks, the animal functions as the god of music, hunting and wild nature in the form of a half-man, half goat called Pan. In Norse mythology, the goats are considered strong enough to pull Thor’s chariot. Even in the Western horoscope, the zodiac sign Aries is represented by the goat. Moreover, the domesticated animal can also be found in the  Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Vietnamese zodiacs.


The goat is such an admired animal for its meek but loyal traits that even poems, games and folk culture as a whole were made in its honor. The Vietnamese game “Close the Eyes and Catch the Goat” has been a long-standing tradition especially played by children for many generations.


When it comes to relationships, the goat also plays a positive influence as a faithful, passionate, dependable, organized and peaceful partner. Rescuer, policeman and soldier are seen as the ideal jobs for people born under the year of the goat because of their loyal and humble nature.


Despite their overwhelming positive character though, these same good attitudes are also feared to be their own disadvantage, if not downfall. The quiet and obedient trait of the goat is misinterpreted as the absence of an adventurous spirit and entrepreneurial skills. Their humility is mistaken for a lack of self-confidence and drive to success. Their trustworthiness is often taken advantage of by other people, even totally exploited.


But then again, the positive side of the goat far outweighs the negative. Moreover, 2015 is predicted and hoped to bring good change, prosperity and peace. With the strong union of the goat and the wood, this year will hopefully overturn the calamities and other misfortunes of the past year and bring in a totally new and good year.